OK I said come in and set down well pick out which chair you want for your seating pleasure. First my office chair which I got in Jefferson City Mo once at an antique mall. I have always liked chairs. I always look at them at Antique malls, yard sales, furniture stores. They always speak to me you know what I mean . I still have a few more downstairs to show when my studio is straighten back up.
Then I also have this green leather chair in my office. I really like the foot stool that goes with it. I got it at an estate tag sale
I brought this chair into the office to photograph it, It stays in my guess bedroom . It is an old Windsor chair
This sits in the other corner of the bedroom with old linens piled on it , I like to look at the linens so just leave them on the chair. I bought this at an auction
I forgot what the next chair is , oh it's the chair in my bedroom I put my comforter and pillows on it every night . Really need a bigger chair but I have a small bedroom nothing like the newer house where there is a master bedroom and adjoining bath.
I got this chair at a furniture liquidator sale for $20.00
This is one of my kitchen chairs I bought my chairs and table at a yard sale and the people had already painted them white. They look like Hitchcock chairs to me
Here is one of Sissy's chairs, I keep it covered with a velvet cover, she sets in it to look outside to see who is walking down her sidewalk and then barks at them till they are out of her site. It was listed on Craig's list I didn't know the people but a friend did and called me said she knew I would want this chair and she was correct.$40.00 and it was mine.
This is my wonderful settee that I love. I bought this silver pillow on my trip at a TJ MAXX
I have this bench in my kitchen behind my table. I had it out in the yard a couple years and thought it would look good in the kitchen so its been in all this summer I mover the table over to show it and my sister hasn't picked up those dishes yet. My company today said she just loved them and I said well if I hadn't made my one sister say she would take them they could be yours.
I put a Rachel Ashwell chair cover on one of my chairs in the kitchen. I only have one is why
I was looking for cards in my high boy drawer today and ran across this old picture that I always hang around the holiday. It was my Grandmothers and she told me she found it in an old truck once. I took it and had it framed so you could see the pictures from both sides.
Back side
Sweet but sad There is also a Kriss Kringle young man
What do you think about these? I don't know if I can wear them or not. It will have to snowing and wear my black boots and white curly faux fur jacket. Leg warmer from when ? 1980??? I went to Marshall's this evening with my girl friend she wanted to go and I always love looking at all the soaps and lotion
I got more cards I just love boxed cards and I write often to people I know out of town also I am sending cards to people at church who are sick. I send cards to some of my girl friends to let them know I am thinking about them
The inside of the box is a sweet music paper love it
My company and Sissy has gone to bed and I am sitting posting my thought of today. I got these two red water bottles at Marshall's last week and wish they would have had more . I love colored bottles and have lots of cobalt blue wine bottles in my windows
Well good night
left over halloween face for 50 cents today at wal-mart
I just got a notice from google that I need to pay for more picture storage space $5.00 yr. I read about this from a couple more bloggers this week and it just popped up . So my new post can't be released for 24hrs.
I am going to post about getting my studio put back togther so I can create again. It's so clean and pretty.
Hi Janice...hope your weekend is going well and your enjoying time with your friend...Boy you have alot of chairs!!..I loved the Windsor one, so pretty....and that mask at the end...I saw that at WalMArt tonight and I tried it on and joked to the husband that I could rob a bank with it...Stay warm...it's freezing down here in Georgia too!
ReplyDeleteHello there, thanks for stopping by. I had to tell you that that's exactly why I refuse to pay for extra storage. They promise you'll be able to post again in 24 hours, but not true. What I recommend is going into your picasaweb pics. You normally will have duplicate pictures or you've added pictures that you changed your mind on and didn't post. If you will delete these pictures, you'll get extra space. Once you've deleted the pics, you do have to go to your settings option and click on photo settings and then click on storage option and click save changes. They will give you more storage. Good luck, hope it works, Theresa
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