
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Little velvet books

Here is a  picture of a couple little velvet books that I love they are both old autograph books. Also on the cover of Garnett Hill catalog once they had blue velvet boxes, ring boxes, and boxes the size of cigar boxes  and I went wild for them. I started looking for blue velvet boxes and haven't found a one so far.


The red one is dated 1889 on the inside cover where someone wrote in language I can't read. The green one is  dated 1906-1909.

Just beautiful I think.

Such pretty writing, don't you think?



This little book is a check book dated 1885 it just think the paper cover is beautiful, there is a name for this old paper pattern but I don't know it. Maybe ripples of rain on cracked glass.


 Isn't the blue just so pretty? My favorite color can you tell?

I just grabbed a hand full of little books out of a drawer I had them in. This is some more .

  When I was a kid playing in my Grandparents old barn I always wanted pretty little books like these. I always had an imagination about being a young girl in beautiful old full dresses like going to a ball to meet prince charming. Well I met what I though was prince charming once but that didn't last long, since I had to share him , not enough prince charmings in the world today. Sorry my mind drifted off into that thought.



     OK here is a fun book I have a complete series of these book but didn't find them in the same drawer so can only show this odd book. I love Miss Beatrice   Potters also the  movie than was on once about her life as a child and growing up, and she met her prince charming.




Now if you don't like little books this wasn't much fun for you so I will try and find a few different pictures.

          Us go to my bathroom!!!!!!! This is my little bird bath fountain in my bathroom I had to add some pearls on the girls.

 Also my night  light that I bought because it was fancy and from shabby chic lady's group Miss Rachel Ashwell.


The cord from the bird bath doesn't look very attractive but you all know it has to be plugged in to work.

 Here is an old picture hanging in my bathroom that I had before the toile movement came in . An old friend gave it to me years ago.


There is an altered art necklace hanging on the fame. It is one I made that I really like.

Might as well look in the bedroom and see my pretty Country life Toile by Waverly


I had to set a little silver on the bed to make it look fancy Ya all


A Pillow with what looks like Sissy on it.


        And now really sad news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For me and the ladies who own  this store



 I just feel so sad about this. since it was my all time favorite store here in my town. 

This is where I  buy my Wendy Addison paper stuff that I really like.

All the ladies of course was always so nice and they had the most gorgeous things ,antique and new. After the unvailing  of the paper signs in the window I will take some more pictures when I go in for the sale. If I don't get carried away and forget.





  1. I love all your wonderful books...and of course, the charming pug pillow!

  2. Beautiful books! It is so sad that small shops like those can't stay in business right now. The town I live in once had so many antique shops and they are gone now or dying. I'd love to be selling, but I'll have to go the place 40 miles away that is still doing pretty well.

  3. I love all your pictures and the books are so beautiful.
    I think it's very nice that you visit my blog sometimes.


  4. Hejsan
    Och tack för hälsningen, gissar att du är svensk och har flyttat till USA. Vilken fin blogg du har, så underbar header! Och så vackert med den gamla handstilen i böckerna, och B. Potters djur är så fina.

  5. This is what I learned to do today in google translate

    Swedish to English translation

    And thanks for the greeting, guessing that you're Swedish and have moved to the United States. What a nice blog you have, so lovely header! And so beautifully with the old handwriting in the books, and B. Potter's animals are so beautiful.

  6. Love all of the old handwriting in the books. Just beautiful. I like to scan things like that into my computer and use them in my art. So sorry that your fav. store is going out of business. These have been such tough times. I hate to see this happen to anyone. Loved all of your goodies. My daughter uses a lot of blue and white and so did my mother. Very pretty.

  7. Hello AnnaMaria,

    the first two poems in your little books are written in German in special font, called Sütterlin. I write you the sayings and try to translate a bit:

    Joshua 1., 7:
    ....ich habe dir geboten,
    daß du getrost und freudig seiest.
    Lass dir nicht grauen + entsetze
    dich nicht, denn der Herr, dein
    Gott, ist mit dir in allem,
    das du thun wirst.

    Dieses zur Erinnerung
    H.F. Tiemann,
    Jan., 16, 1892

    It is a part of the Holy Bible, and means in easy words:
    I have told you to be happy. Don't be afraid because God, your master, will be with you in everything you will do.

    This is for memory: H.F.Tiemann

    The second poem is also religious:

    Welcher Schmuck soll sein der
    verborgene Wunsch des Herzens
    unverwirkt mit sanftem und stillem
    Geiste, das ist köstlich vor Gott.

    Zur freundlichen Erinnerung
    Philipp Lange

    It is in very oldfashion words and means translated something like:

    How adorable should be the hidden wish of your heart (to be?) unforfeited with smooth and quiet mind, this is delightful in the eyes of God.

    For a friendly memory
    Philipp Lange

    I guess, the men have been teachers for that girl who owned this Poesie-Album.

    All your pictures are lovely, especially the little cushion with Sissy. I had a cat named Sissy.

    Greetings, Johanna

  8. Johanna
    Vielen Dank für die transulation der kleinen Gedichte in meinem Buch. Ich mag auf die Kenntnis der Schrift heißt Sütterlin. Jetzt habe ich mein Autogramm relly Liebe Bücher


  9. Thanks for the tour. Sorry to hear your favortite place has to close. Love the little books.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Friday

  10. Hi: Thank you for visiting my blog. I look forward to getting to know you better. Love all the beautiful things you shared with us today. I have that same pink night light that is in your bathroom. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  11. Hello
    I just love the name of your blog, so I had to come see it! I love the books, the writing to me is an art form. It used to be taught but alas no more and our modern day hand writing pales in comparison. I love that Johanna translated the little passage, how lovely. It must be meant for you.

  12. hello dear janice~
    i just wanted to let you know your name you suggested for my little lady was selected by my prairie family..*congratulations!*
    if you could contact me i will get your goods out to can see what is going to arrive on your doorstep in my post today! i hope you enjoy, and *thank you* so much for entering!

    prairie hugs,

  13. Kristin
    That was so much fun winning your contest I just eamiled a few people and said look what I did!!!!!!!!!!
    Gave them you blog address so every body is reading about OLLIE the new star in your family.


  14. Your books are just fabulous. Oh my - the feathery and inky script is so beautiful and mysterious - an unknown language. Don't you love the rhymes? xoxo Nancy...who is completely jealous!!!

  15. Those books are so wonderful
    May you have a good week
