
Friday, May 31, 2019

Pink Transferware

Hello people on dry land

I am in the mood to clean house, meaning dump a bunch of stuff I am saving in case someone needs it ! I am notorious  for saving things in case a friend needs this or that for a project.
I have 3 rooms in my house packed with STUFF for projects, so in a couple weeks it's leaving this house. It will take me that long to clean out drawers and chest of drawers full of paper ephemera and paper scraps like old calendars old books old greeting cards old pictures I have torn out of magazines etc etc
Do you now what I mean ? can you comprehend what i'm talking about? Well anyway that is my plan today.

In mean time I am thinking I will keep all my odd and ends and sets of transferwear  dishes that I dearly love. Just cleaning out paper clutter and old jars which I threw some already in trash last week.I'm sure I'll find more

 This Pink Charlotte transferwear plate is a favorite pattern, I have it in lavender/purple and blue and this pink.
I don't have teapots in this pattern except for a little small square blue one it's like one cup size in the Charlotte pattern which this is.

I am really feeling sorry for a friend who lives in Clarksvile Missouri who's house is surrounded by water and supposedly buy tomorrow evening it will be in his first floor his entire basement is full , he can'e even get within one block to his house. His home is a 1845 beautiful brick house full of authentic period furniture, baby grand piano beautiful marble fireplaces on and on. Richard Cottrell's /Elgin House
It's all up and down the Missouri River towns

Here is the Charlotte pattern emblem on my plates

ps I painted my front steps today and hoping it will dry before rain tomorrow.

 Will  have to visit Pink Saturday for sure this week


  1. I love your dishes and I hope you hang on to all the things you dearly love. I'm exactly like you! There is SO much stuff to get rid of and I am doing just that. So is Louis Dean. We are BOTH in purging mode and I hope we stay there for awhile. My daughter-in-law gave me all her scrapbooking things and I don't even scrapbook. Still I took them and need to sort and give away most of it. I had thought I would use it for the quads in their projects but they don't really come over all that much and goodness sakes, they have enough paper stuff at home. I did go through and found four different pretty papers to print their birthday letters on. We are about to go meet the family for dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then to their house for cake and ice cream and gifts. Their big party is tomorrow at some adventure type place.
    I am so glad you are semi-retired. There's just not enough time in the day when you work fulltime at a job!!!

  2. I do know what you mean! I have been clearing out for what seems like years. Best of luck with that. I love that pattern and have a couple of brown transferware pieces of it. So sorry to hear about Richards house! Horrible.

  3. So sorry to hear about your friend. Hopefully his antiques will not be lost as they would probably be impossible to replace. Your transferware is pretty! Janice

  4. And, it is flooding here in the Arkansas River Valley. So sad for so many people. I have been in a mood for cleaning house too - every drawer and shelf. That's my goal!

  5. Gorgeous pink transferware dish. Hugs!

  6. Praying for those in the floods. So much loss. I do like the much info on the back...amazing. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

  7. Guilty! Of stashing everything I ever had and I have been wanting to clean out too. I think I am going to try and sell it all but you know how that goes! Good for you to get started. So sad about all the flooding. Will the rain ever stop?!

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