Here is a few pictures of my old post cards then I want to show some pictures of a stores trade mark sacks,I have wanted to go to for some time.Anyway a friend of mine & I went into St Louis yesterday afternoon and shopped & shopped & shopped. She was in one store and me another and they were running us out , closing time 6pm we were at the Galleria.Us country girls wanted to shop longer. We don't go to the city every day. We also went to the new Nordstroms Rack, it was packed we waited in line for some time to pay for our purchases which were very good purchases then off we went to Trader Jo's.
I just love the graphics on these sacks. I am going to try and cover an old book with one sack. I ask the cute guy bagging my groceries if I could have extra sacks, Yes was the answer so I ask for 4 and he gladly put them in an bags. Oh I got a cute wine sack also, so cute. Now you have to like paper products as much as me to think a grocery sack is cute. But they are soooooooo cute.
These pictures are in an old picture album I have , it is fairly small. I measured it and it is 4x6 inches.
This couple must be mates they were on the same facing pages. Back in the old days they sure didn't smile in pictures did they?
Then a lady buy herself, look at that dress. I just love the old vintage clothing from back in the late 1800's early 1900's.
This was in the album also. A Grandmother i'm sure.
This is how the little book looks. Remember it is 4x6 inches.
This is on the back of one of the pictures.
Ok now a few old post cards which i always look at the postage side as well as the front.
I was so excited when I got home today and checked my mail box and found this from a very good friend's Aunt who is in PARIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Thanks Aunt Mary , I love it. You made me happy today. Oh and thanks Jo I am sure you ask her to do this for me. xoxoxoxoxo
Look at the postage mark & stamp. She mailed it the 27th and I have it already? I can't get a card to Kansas City that fast.
Ok a couple pretty transferware sugars.I bought these at my favorite store down town. They carry Wendy Addison paper products and antiques. I love this store. A lA Campagne.
Oh my Gosh I forgot to show you my new work boots, Fabulous!!!!!!!!They are all the craze now you know that don't you? The short cowgirl boots are here girlfriends.
I can't wait to wear them. I am going to go visit my sister tomorrow so I am going to wear them She is the sister who her & her husband has horses and rides etc. My brother in law who recently passed away.
Here they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK I hear all of the OMG's out there. They came in Lime , orange or Ivory. My friend with me was about to die, she couldn't believe I would even consider buying a pair of boots this color. There was other women there cheering me on which I didn't need much cheering. They were mine when I seen them. I know I won't be wearing them down to the barn, not my pretty boots.
Hi ya! I just read your blog from start to finish and soooo enjoyed myself! I'm a crazy collector and I can see that you are too! Love those bright lime boots! They have spunk! Can't wait to read more from ya. Vanna
ReplyDeleteYour boots are terrific!!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I didn't get the check sent off like I is all stamped and ready to go now though. I hope you get it by Thursday maybe.
Those are some really lime boots but, after reading your blog, I think you can pull 'em off!
ReplyDeleteI was surprised to see the very modern lime boots at the end of a post filled with antique transferware, photographs and postcards. Maybe that's what makes your blog so much fun!
ReplyDeleteThose old photos show just how life was back then. Can you imagine working in a kitchen or running after kids in those clothes.....That was real women back then. Did you notice that they didn't smile much for the pictures. "Just take the picture, I have to go make dinner, and I only 5 hrs. to do it in." LoL Thanks for the pictures. Decgal